What is Difference Between BHP & Torque?

To help understand the significance of BHP and torque in detail, let’s consider an example. Imagine if two bikes have the following specifications.

> 50 horsepower and 200 Nm of torque.
> 100 horsepower and 100 Nm of torque.

Thus, when you look at the above-given specifications of two bikes, then for top speed the second one would propel the bike with more excellent acceleration and more significant-top speed. In comparison to the first one, that would have a lower top speed along with a slow acceleration point as well. But with twice the turning force produced, you can expect the bike to pull heavier loads and still maintain its power and deliverability throughout.

Such that when you would maintain the torque and BHP equal, then the bike would have more significant acceleration, reaching higher top speed. But wouldn’t be able to pull heavier loads.